2 recent conversations

In a chippy and happen to notice “Angel fish supper” on sale for £1 more than regular fish. I enquire…

Me: “What’s that?”
woman #1: “Fish in breadcrumbs”
Me: “So it’s just a special fish?”
woman #1: “No, it’s hand cut”
Me: “Cut into pieces?”
woman #1: “No, it’s the same size as a regular fish”
Me: “So..?”
(woman #1 calls on woman #2)
woman #2: “What is it?”
woman #1: “Can you explain to HIM what angel fish is”
woman #2: “It’s haddock. We ONLY use haddock”
Me: “Haddock…right, but what’s so special about it?”
woman #2: “It’s hand cut”
Me: “Meaning?”
woman #2: “Meaning it tastes better than if cut by a machine”
Me: “Really?”
woman #2: “Yes”
Me: “So it’s the same size as a normal fish and it’s in breadcrumbs?”
woman #2: “Yes”
Naturally I ordered one…tasted like special fish. I think I’ve been had.

In Argos buying a LARGE piece of luggage, put my order in and out comes a LARGE box
Woman: “Do you want a box for it?”
Me: “Erm…it’s already in a box”
woman: “But do you want me to put it in a bigger box?”
Me: “Erm…why?”
Woman: “To make it easier to carry”
Me: “Erm…how will that make it easier?”
Woman: “Then you can HURL it along the ground”
Me: “Hurl?!? Er, no it’s ok”

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