Author Archives: admin

Time to travel 2021

I’m glad to see that Tristan de Cunha has been added to the safe/green list of places to visit from England.

To quote the official website, “There are no package tours for independent travellers, no hotels, no airport, no holiday reps, no night clubs no restaurants, no jet skis nor safe sea swimming. Visitors are limited due to lack of available shipping berths (only 12 on fishing vessels)…Trips to the most isolated community in the world need to be well planned. Many would-be visitors have sailed to Tristan, but failed to land.”

All visitors need to clear their arrivals in advance through the Island Council, and they also need to obtain a police certificate. (A 40-day wait is typical.)
There are around 10 sailings a year in a 60 day period from Cape Town, South Africa*, and Namibia*, each taking 5 to 6 days to reach the islands; it costs $800-$1,500 for a round trip.

*Neither of which are on the green list.

Let’s not also forget the Falklands, South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands, St Helena and Ascension Island, which are almost as hard to get to plus Australia and New Zealand on the other side of the planet, who are currently not allowing us to enter either country. Go Team UK!

The list of countries as listed on the BBC website is as follows:

Tales from the supermarket: part 3

Originally posted on on Dec 28 and Jan 12 2004. This post has been edited and combines portions from 2 previous blogs.

The supermarket opening hours changed slightly because of Christmas / New Year – we opened an hour earlier today; the hours are clearly listed on the door at the entrance, but some moron pushed the doors open, wandered in and shouted something about the shop not being open he then walked over to me and told me that there was “a problem”, he explained that the doors were open and he thought he’d let me know, I explained to him we opened an hour earlier, he then left the shop and never came back.

Probably the funniest thing to happen lately, was the conversation I overheard between this mad family:

Daughter: Dad, lets buy some cat food.
Father: Whit!? Ya daft cunt! We don’t have a fucking cat!
Daughter: Let’s just buy some for a change
Father: And who the fuck is going to eat it? You?
Daughter: But I’ve always wanted a cat
Father: Well I’ve got news for you, this isn’t a fucking pet store!
Daughter: Why do you always need to be so negative dad?
Father: Oh shut up you’re off yer fucking head!

Then there was the guy who came in to exchange a pair of shoes he’d bought, it turned out he’d actually taken 2 left footed shoes home with him, so he came back in search of the right shoe to complete the pair. Our store isn’t in any way like a proper shoe shop, all the shoes are out on the shop floor un-boxed in metal tables, it’s all a bit of a mess really, shoes get tangled up and/or separated from their correct pairing, so I let this guy rummage through the shoes and leave the store with his rectified pair, that was on Saturday. On Sunday he returned with 2 right footed shoes, saying he’d accidentally lifted these and left his previous left footed shoe behind in the shop…really? Perhaps he was a chancer – stealing shoes one shoe at a time, or perhaps he’s just an idiot. I know what one my money’s on…

Then there was the woman who almost bought a woollen car seat cover thinking it was a baby booster seat!

Then there was the other woman who asked if we sold “those birds you eat at Christmas” She wanted a frozen turkey of course!

Oh, and who could forget the guy who came in looking for assistance with his computer, “my computer won’t switch on and the bloody buttons do nothing!”
Now we were selling some PCs fairly recently, and knowing a wee bit about computers I was almost ready to help him out when he asked, “do you think it might be the batteries?” eh? Batteries…computer? It turned out he was actually talking about a hand-held calculator.

We also had to recall every single jar of mayonnaise in the store, as the labels had no English on them.

Then there was the idiot arguing with Neil (the assistant manager), as he was closing the shop a few customers wanted in, he said they could go in as long as they were quick as the shop was just about to close. But for whatever reasons some idiot wanted to contest this, arguing that the shop was being closed in his face, despite the fact he was actually being allowed in, apparently he then grabbed Neil’s wrist and compared the time on each of their watches and then complained that Neil’s watch was too fast and that he should know and he had just set his watch before he left the house!
Neil then told him again that if he was quick he could go into the shop but this guy still wasn’t happy. He demanded that Neil change the time on his watch and stay open for a few minutes longer, at this Neil closed the door and the guy then demanded a phone number to complain to. Neil gave him the number for Head Office, he then asked to know Neil’s name “By law you need to give me your name!” Ah, “by law”, that old chestnut, used by many a customer. Neil refused saying he didn’t need to give out any information to anyone who spoke to him like that, to which he responded “What’s your problem? You act like you’re the manager or something! Well, pretty close, assistant manager actually. He then pulled out a mobile phone and started phoning Head Office, at this point Neil walked away.

But on a brighter note, I found…a squishy American football toy that says “win with God!”
Halleluiah! Praise the lord! TOUCHDOWN! Yeah!

Tales from the supermarket: part 2

Originally posted on on Dec 24 2003.

2 of our nearby stores got robbed in the past week. Staff were held up with “weapons”, that’s all I know, the company is very secretive so they didn’t tell us much, in fact I read more about it in a local newspaper…and then a few days later a manager from another store contacted us to tell us to be on the look out for 3 dodgy blokes wearing black and red tracksuits. A few hours later they arrived, one very suspicious looking person wandered about with a bag over his shoulder, the manager and I watched him, he left, a few minutes later his accomplice, wearing the exact same tracksuit entered, we watched him, he left empty-handed, then guess what, to complete the ensemble of oddballs, the third guy enters, again wearing a red and black tracksuit. WTF?
And it was on that same day that a robin managed to get trapped inside the store setting the alarm off at 3am forcing the assistant manager to get out of bed, and wake up his girlfriend who drove him to the store so he could switch it off.
What else has happened lately? Well, there was the woman who returned a painting-by-numbers set which was completely devoid of any numbers what-so-ever!
Then there was the woman who asked me what time the store closed; I told her “in 25 minutes” to which she started sprinting round the store…”I said minutes not seconds!”
Then there was a story the assistant manager told me about how we was pulling a heavy pallet down an aisle when someone jumped out in front of him demanding a refund and due to momentum he couldn’t stop the pallet quickly enough, so his feet slid along the floor while he and the pallet went right into the customer, who replied “dae ye want a square go mate?” or in other words “do you want to fight?” I gather the customer was completely oblivious to the massive pallet in the way.

The company I work for is German, and there was an idiot who started speaking to me in German. I told him I couldn’t speak the language, and what was his reply?
“But you work for a German company!”

Then there was the woman who came in to buy a kettle, but by the time she got here late in the evening they had all sold out, but she couldn’t quite comprehend this.
“Your kettles can’t be sold out! They were advertised as only going on sale today!”
I told her that yes they had only been available from today but it was a good deal so they all sold”
“Well, what’s the point in advertising them if they’re all sold out?”
Eh…well, “t
hey weren’t sold out this morning” I told her.
“You must still have some In the store somewhere surely?”
I told her that we didn’t have a secret kettle stash
“I don’t believe you! Let me speak to the manager!”
This woman then spoke to the manager, who clarified that there was no great kettle conspiracy, we had none left and weren’t hiding any from her. So she then left the shop but came back just a few minutes later demanding to be told which of other stores still had kettles, sheesh!

Oh, one last thing, a camp shopper smiled, winked and wished me a merry Christmas today…why do only gay men come onto me in the shop? 🙁

Tales from the supermarket: part 1

Originally posted on on Oct 07 and Dec 13 2003. This post has been edited and combines portions from 2 previous blogs.

I work at a supermarket; it’s a strange job. Everyday is a whole new experience – it’s like working in some weird fantasy world where crazy is the norm. One day we got a phone call from the District Manager requesting an urgent recall – a certain type of Christmas tree light must be taken off sale immediately, and when I got home I found out why! It had been reported in a few newspapers that when these lights were switched on, some had to burst into flames. I think only a few people had this problem, but it was enough for the media to get hold of it, so now it’s a nationwide recall, at first the company was just going to give out standard refunds, but due to the newspapers and the fact that a similar thing happened just weeks ago, involving bottles of wine that were responsible for bringing on asthma attacks (in asthmatics – breathe a sigh of relief if you’re not asthmatic!), coupled with the company having been accused of no-good by the UK consumer rights show “Watchdog” only recently, it had been decided to give a free Xmas pudding and selection box to anyone who returns the lights! Ooooh! I’m just hoping someone turns up returning them with a blackened face and singed hair, “there’s your Xmas pud sir, sorry for any inconvenience…” The following day I experienced de ja vu when we got an urgent recall for…dried apricots, we don’t know why, perhaps they’re spontaneously combusting too?! Keep your eyes peeled for the news! I also had the fun job of cleaning the car park and what did I find? A used condom, ah lovely, y’know I’ve always said that supermarket car parks, ney budget supermarket car parks are the most romantic places to make out in (out in geddit, ah never mind…)! And at the other end of the car park I found page 3-esque centre-fold pullouts from some lads’ mags. “Cor, look at her, bet she blows like an exploding fairy light!” (It’s possible that the rubber Johnny and soft porn were connected.)

But the funniest thing to happen on Thursday was this – for some reason the delivery driver had delivered 2 freezer boxes full of frozen food to our store instead of another, but instead of them being picked up and taken to the correct store we were ordered to keep them so we had to find space In the freezers, cue mass movement of frozen chickens and pizzas…but what makes it even more bizarre is that these 2 freezer boxes comprised of nothing but chips (or fries depending on where you are), about 40-50 large boxes with bags and bags or regular sized oven chip bags inside each box!

Why would a store want a frozen delivery of chips and only chips? Well apparently the store the chips were destined to have a regular customer who runs a takeaway and buys large amounts at a single time, and so the staff there have dubbed him “Kebab Man” Yes, that’s right, the one and only “Kebab Man”. So word was passed from our store to theirs to send “Kebab Man” on his way to our store for chips but what did he do? He went to a completely different store instead, so now there are 2 stores in Glasgow that have been depleted of chips while we have nearly 3 freezers worth!

Then I had a struggle with bottles of cola – the driver who doesn’t give a flying duck dragged a pallet of cola along the warehouse wall bursting a good 10 or so bottles down one side, the bottles that burst then soaked the cardboard holding them together, it collapsed under the weight of the bottles above, so when the Clingfilm came off the pallet, cola bottles went everywhere and I got covered in latent sticky foaming carbonated water like a Mentos-experiment gone wrong! Now this particular driver really annoys me, he is always delivering pallets that are full of squashed, crushed and broken goods, but can I blame him when the company recently laid off most of the drivers to save 1% of their annual turnover and 1% of their annual turnover is £26 million!!! (A few weeks later a delivery arrived 4 hours late because this particular driver was slung in jail for starting a brawl after an old-firm football match. That’ll teach him for bursting the cola bottles!)

All the Delivery drivers are pretty unbelievable; constantly screwing up and breaking stuff. Earlier this week a delivery driver managed to drive his lorry into the cage where the bins are kept (so no one can steal stuff), now the hinge is broken and the door hangs at a strange angle, so it’s necessary to have someone help open, and keep open the cage door while the other replaces/fills up the big bin before the cage door smashes you in the face…a lot of food gets thrown out every day (hundreds of pounds worth!) but the big bins are only emptied once a week thanks to council cutbacks and you need to push the bins uphill from the back door to the cage – who thought that design through? Bins which are FULL leave the store and go uphill to the cage then empty ones ski back downhill!

I’ve made a habit of taking notes of stupid things customers say/ask; here are some recent highlights:

Man (looking at televisions): Excuse me son, do these TVs come with stands?
Me: If you read the box it tells you all the info.
Man: I did read the box, it doesn’t say a damn thing about stands!
Me: Well then, it doesn’t come with a stand!

Then there was the customer who asked if we sold those cloths and the man who asked if we have one of the computer things for kiddies? I love it when customers are specific…

Then I had some idiot asking where we keep the rice so I took him to the bags of rice but… “No, that’s not what I’m after, it’s the packets of rice I want” I have a quick look, I tell him we don’t sell any packets of rice, “Oh, but I buy them every week!” So I go in search of the rice, the manager tells me it must be the packets of savoury rice and vegetables that he’s referring to, so I take him there but no it’s not that either…hmm, Ambrosia creamed rice? Nope, not that either, but then he spots what he was after…a carton of custard!!! “Sorry about that son, my mistake it was actually custard I wanted!”
Ah well, At least he apologised…

Woman (pointing at gingerbread): How much is that?
Me (pointing at gingerbread ticket): The gingerbread? It’s 59p.
Woman: Excuse me, that isn’t gingerbread!
Atemporary feeling of panic descends on me…er, um…i feel embarrassed. I pick up the box and look at it, looks like gingerbread to me, I read it (a lot of the stuff we sell is labelled German firstly, but if you look you will find English) and lo and behold it is gingerbread after all!
Me: It is gingerbread and it is 59p!
Woman: Oh, I don’ want it then.
I put it back and off she goes…

Then someone stole a pair of insoles and left behind their old smelly ones – in the bin they went. Just as well we have a cage around the bin to prevent anyone from stealing them!

Stay tuned for part 2!

Strange trip to the Chippy tonight…

Local weirdo guy who dresses like a member of the Taliban was in front of me in the take-away queue (but it became apparent that was he was actually in for a sit-in meal in the table-service area) asking for a cup of tea with his food, the exchange went something like this:
Mister Taliban: Can I have a tea…do you have semi-skimmed milk?
Chippy woman: No only full fat.
Mister Taliban: I can’t drink full fat milk…can you put 4 sugars in it then? It makes me sick if I don’t have 4 sugars.
Chippy woman: 4 sugars!!
Mister Taliban: Yes I’ve got a heart condition and if I don’t get 4 sugars I’ll be <mimics being sick>. We don’t want that.
Chippy woman: OK, sit down!

The guy sits down but 2 minutes later he’s up again and holds up an empty tupperware tub and asks “Can you put ice cream in this? It’s ok, it’s not contaminated it was ice-cream that was in it in a previous shop”. Luckily the phone rang so Chippy woman dealt with that instead.

But then some other nutter came in…

Nutter woman: How much is a hamburger supper for children?
Chippy woman: A small supper is £3.10.
Nutter woman: Then why does it say 1.60 next to it?
Chippy woman: That’s for a single hamburger without chips.
Nutter woman: Ok, can I have a single 1.60 hamburger with chips.
Chippy woman: So you want a supper?
Nutter woman: No, just the £1.60 supper.
Chippy woman: £1.60 is just for the hamburger ALONE. You need to pay £3.10 if you want chips as well.
Nutter woman: Ok, just make it…<deliberates>…two hamburger suppers.
Chippy woman: (shouts through to guy in back kitchen) 2 small hamburger suppers!

A minute or so passes and nutter woman shouts something into the kitchen about the hamburgers then comes back to Chippy woman and asks for 2 sausage suppers instead.

Web fail 404 job not found

So 2 weeks ago I was offered a job with the title of (wait for it)…”web master”, which I accepted.

However they gave me the wrong start date, telling me that i’d be starting on the 1st of October, which is a Sunday.

A few days later I got a call regarding a web design job that I had applied for way back in February asking if I was available to work. I told the guy that I was actually about to start a job but that it was only 3 days per week. He said he could offer work to cover the other 2 days.
The job is based in a pretty unique location, on a farm in the countryside on the opposite end of Glasgow to me, so rather than have me travel all the way there we agree to meet at a hotel in town and so on Thursday I headed off to meet the guy for a chat.
While waiting at the train station I received a phonecall from the same woman who offered me the other job asking me if she had told me that i’d been offered the job, to which I told her that of course she had, then she told me that she was really really sorry but she had made a mistake and that I didn’t have the job afterall, I was actually the reserve candidate, I asked how this had happened and she said because our names looked alike!

So I head off to meet the other guy. When I get there I tell him about what had happened. The interview does not go well, i’m not really in the mood for it, I keep umming and erring and screwing up my replies. He asks me why my CV is so bare. I graduated 3 years ago yet have little listed on my CV since then, I tell him that I’ve just been unlucky with jobs. Because employers look for experience but no one is willing to give me experience.
The copy of my CV that he has is outdated, from before I started 6 months of work-based training. He asks me what I’ve been doing since then, I tell him briefly about the training. It was for an Autism related project, I wasn’t directly involved with the field of Autism but I was responsible for the web/IT work within the project.
He tells me that when they take on work for a client they like to know a bit about what they do, so he asks me “What exactly is autism?”
Argh, I hate questions like this…how to explain it? It’s very complicated I tell him…
i waffle and meander, my brain isn’t thinking straight, I can’t get my words out so under pressure I basically give him a crap bullshit answer just so we can move on to the next question.
“I see” he tells me, “is that what autism is? I didn’t realise”.
A few more questions go by and then the interview ends and i’m glad its over as I can’t see any job coming from this but he tells me that he hasn’t made any decisions yet and that he’ll choose who to take on in about a weeks time.

The very next day I receive an apology letter for the web master job…and they even manage to get the job title wrong!
I go into my old work (where I did the training) later that day and tell them about what had happened. They all feel sorry for me and say they’ll help write me a letter of complaint if that’l make me feel better.

One of my ex-collegues then asks me if I’ve applied for anymore jobs, I tell her about the interview from the day before and mention that the job is based on a farm of all places.

She says “Oh my god, his name wasn’t Billy Brown (name changed) was it?”
I tell her that yes that was indeed his name.
She then tells me, I know his wife. His son has Autism.
The funny thing was as soon as she mentioned his wife’s name, I recognised it too. Part of my training involved working with a large database of names…i double-checked his wife’s name in the DB and sure enough her address was the same as the web design job.

And so once again, what might have been, what could’ve been…

More overheard nonsense

2 middle-aged women at Glasgow Central train station the day of a Justin Bieber concert
Woman 1: “The train will be full of Justin Bieber fans”
Woman 2: “I know but just keep going”

In a posh restaurant in Glasgow
“What’s the singular of scampi? Scampo?”

In a pub in Perth
“The soup today is tomato and lemon soup…lemon in soup? I know, I’d never heard of it either…” (runs upstairs to kitchen)
“The chef isn’t here but I think it might be lentil after all!!

Couple looking at a menu outside a Japanese restaurant in Glasgow
woman (to her partner): “I wonder if the prawns are local?”

Child on train (to mother?): “tears (as in crying) are all the same in Glasgow. True or false?”

On bus going past brand new tram depot in Edinburgh
“That’ll be rusty by the time the trams come”

Couple in the street
“Aye she was nude but she’s not nude in the photo”

Girl on phone on train
“Aye Ryan basically raped that poor girl on Friday. He had this vodka y’know but he didn’t want to say about going back to his for a drink cos it was pure obvious so he said it was his flat mate’s vodka and that she wouldn’t mind but he couldn’t get her to leave the following morning, he had to txt me and I had to pretend that I was his gran to get him to leave”

A group of 3 people walking down a street in Leith
“I believe they were crabs yes”

On Glasgow to Edinburgh bus (on the M8 at this point)
“I don’t know this road very well…this is the road that guy chased us down…that was a long time ago…Davie had to drive away and put the brakes on and the guy eventually drove past us”

On a train at central station
Guy sits next to girl sitting opposite me and says “I don’t mean to be rude but…what’s the time?”
“2:30” she replied
“2:30 exactly? Not 2:35”
“No, it’s 2:30”
“2:30 and not 2:29?”
“yes it’s 2:30”
“Ok, thanks” and then he got up and walked into the next carriage

Strange people

Strange people #1:

A few days ago My girlfriend and I were walking through the local park when my girlfriend’s shoelace became loose so we stop and she bends down to tie her shoelace. While she’s bent over a woman out walking a dog shouts something, I don’t take it in, I hear her shout again and this time look at her, she repeats it a third time and this is when I realise that she is actually talking to us. My girlfriend is still stooped over tying her shoelaces when the woman with the dog clearly shouts:

“Dog her! She’s in the right position! Get her in that position tonight in the bed, she’s wanting dogged!

She repeated it a fourth time while walking off with the dog.

Strange people #2:

The day after the dog woman incident I was on the bus going home. It was really busy so I sat down next to a wee girl who was maybe about 8. As soon as I sat down she made a “Yuuueeew” noise and made a waving motion with her hand in front of her nose. Her friends, who I now noticed were sitting in the seat in front, started laughing. One of the girls in front then started talking to the friend beside her followed by raised whispers to the girl beside me about the “smell” that has suddenly materialised. The girl in front of me then turns round to me and says “Gonna move? I ask why and she replies “because you’re stinking”. Then they all start laughing.
Little shits.

Strange people #3

We took a walk into Pollok Park and at fence to the Highland Coos there was a group of kids who referred to, and genuinely seemed to believe that the cows were…camels!

Boycott Scotland!

Originally posted August 28 2009 on (when it was topical)

You may have heard that a number of Americans are calling for a boycott of Scotland as we, as a nation are accused of pandering to the terrorists, evil doers and bond villains everywhere for releasing Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi, the accused Lockerbie bomber on grounds of compassion. Not since the Uist hedgehog cull of 2003 has Scotland had to feel the wrath of a national boycott, and when that happened our shortbread industry ground to a halt, 14 bagpipe factories closed forever and the residents of Morningside were reduced to eating unsold tartan fabric for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Things have picked up but now we are subjected to yet another boycott. Searching for “boycott Scotland” on Google returns 145,000 results! Clearly the USA has already forgotten ye olde legend of balls-kicking John “Smeato” Smeaton!

From reading the comments on the boycott Scotland petitionPetition Now, The ScotmanBBC and Fox News, one thing is abundantly clear – the level of comedy. I have not laughed so much for weeks! Although those making the laughable comments will no doubt claim that laughing at such a serious matter is an admission of a love for terrorism.

It seems though, that a lot of the American commentators are unable to grasp the fact that Kenny MacAskill is separate to the Scottish people; that is that we do not eat, sleep and breathe Kenny. In fact if you were to ask a random person in Scotland only one week ago what he thought of Kenny MacAskill the reply, most likely, would have been “who?”

If we’re being cynical then Al-Megrahi (as we’ll call him from now on) isn’t being released on compassion grounds, he was a patsy convicted on extremely flimsy evidence who was advised to drop his appeal for various reasons. So this being a purely political decision is probably due to new information casting doubt on his arrest and the prospect of increased British business opportunities in Libya. Bear in mind that Scotland’s “government” is a devolved government with limited powers meaning that it is not in the position to make international deals, suggesting involvement from London, if that is indeed the reason for his release.

Or, maybe he is being released because he really does only have 3 months to live and Scottish law, which can be quite distinct from English law at times, contains this curious quirk. Alex Salmond, First minister of Scotland has said “we have to do what is right in terms of our legal system, that is what we are duty-bound to do”

But it seems that this doesn’t cut if with the angry yanks. They want justice…wait didn’t I just say that this is written into Scottish law? Ah, they want Scottish law changed to conform to American law (must be that “freedom” thing they refer to!) and they want Al-Megrahi dead, even though – as has been pointed out numerous times but has so far failed to be taken on board – he may be innocent. An eye for an eye, anyone’s eye!

On the sites listed above it’s hard to decipher which comments are genuine and which are parody. My favourites have been the jokes about Scots wearing kilts, because yes, we really do wear skirts every day of the year! Then you get the occasional well-written post from an American who rises above the flock but lets it slip at the last by referring to Scotland, or Britain as simply “England”.

But best of all we have Americans who despite years of Lulu, Rod Stewart and the Bay City Rollers are only now ashamed of their Scottish roots, suggesting that they will never visit Scotland (again) and will never buy another Scottish thing in their lifetime (I’m sure the lucrative haggis exports will now come to an end), with some proudly claiming that they “haven’t bought French since 2003”. There are comments from restaurant and bar owners claiming that they will never again stock Scottish whiskey, with one guy boasting how he has just poured his whiskey collection down the sink! Some are even threatening to boycott things that aren’t even Scottish, because well they sound Scottish so they might just be, like Lorna Doones cookies for instance.

Not only is this all silly but it shows a distinct lack of knowledge of how world trade works, any serious boycott would reduce products and services going the other way, in other words it would do more harm than good to American business. For instance, what are Scottish whisky barrels most commonly made from? Give up? It’s American Oak, and guess which country that comes from?

And if this was how people in the rest of the world based their buying decisions then perhaps very few would be buying coke and big macs, globalization would fall apart and the USA would receive very few visitors each year, although given most of the Stateside views on display, most would probably be in favour of that.

“With allies like these who needs enemies”

And then of course there are the gung-ho “Scottish people must suffer”, “Scotland has failed” and “Bomb Scottland” comments. Now Scotland needs to lose 270 lives in Iraq and Afghanistan to make up for it according to one poster (we’re well on our way and I’m sure a few friendly fire incidents will bring us up to speed) and another poster even said that he wished that Hitler had won WWII, presumably because then the Americans could boycott sauerkraut as well.

Such anger, such aggression, such frustration! What would Freud say? In times like this I am reminded of George Carlin’s “bigger dick” take on US foreign policy, “What, they have bigger dicks? Bomb them!”

There are also plenty of comments calling for the CIA to “take out” Al-Megrahi. Let’s conveniently gloss over the documents that the CIA withheld from the investigation at the time that could have proven who was really responsible and then there’s the $2m that the CIA offered to the only witness to pick out Al-Megrahi from a line-up, a Maltese shopkeeper who has now moved onto a better life in Australia.

It’s interesting to note that the Al-Megrahi release coincides with CIA interrogation techniques being released, which include mock executions and threats to rape detainee’s mothers. All this went on at Guantanamo Bay, a US controlled area in violation of its original terms with Cuba, terms which were probably forced upon the Cuban government. Here, the limiting constraints of US and international law seemingly do not apply, where detainees are frequently tortured without any shred of evidence against them, because obviously that is how all good democracies should behave themselves. Also this week, it has become apparent that human rights abuses in Iraqi jails have not improved since the disposal of Saddam, at all.

A few months before the Lockerbie disaster, the USS Vincennes navy ship shot down Iran Air Flight 655 killing 290 innocent civilians, including 66 children.
The incident was passed of as an unfortunate accident because the crew could not differentiate between an attacking Tomcat and a passenger plane on its regular flight path at its regular time emitting a civilian signal. The crew also lied about their position in the sea and the planes position to cover their backs, i.e. they shouldn’t have been where they were. To add insult to injury the crew were awarded Combat Action Ribbons, the captain received the Legion of Merit and the American government never formally apologised and in fact blamed Iran for the disaster, with George Bush Snr. saying “I will never apologize for the United States of America, ever. I don’t care what the facts are.”
Go Bushie!

One of the original suggestions was that the Lockerbie bombing was simply retaliation for this event, and blame was placed on Iran, Syria and then the Palestinians and only much later, and possibly due to skewed American interests, Libya. This has been brought up on practically all of the discussions, as has various forms of American terrorism: the Mai Lai massacre, The US bombing of Libya in 86, US funding for the IRA (and Libyan involvement in sale of weapons), IBMs involvement in the holocaust, US backed coups against democratic governments from all around the world etc etc etc…but getting a dignified reply is like banging your head against a wall as the average “USA! USA! USA!” poster seems unwilling to accept that their government does anything other than sprinkle magic fairy dust into the lives of millions while simultaneously defeating the forces of evil (obviously when that consignment of weapons head off to Israel it’s to defeat terrorism, not help a country illegally expand its borders) and when the US directly or indirectly (Iraqi sanctions for example) kills innocent people it simply doesn’t equate to the loss of American life, which is why Scotland “must pay”, even though Scotland didn’t kill anyone. In fact Pan Am Flight 103 came down in a Scottish town killing Scots, ah, but that’s because we hate America so much that we gladly invite fundamentalists to blowup things in Scotland. Some of the logic on display even gives Charles Manson’s freaky ideology credence…wait a minute, isn’t he dead yet? I thought America punished mass murderers!? (Ok so he was the manipulative Svengali and not the murderer but the point remains)

So do we hate America? If anything I think the opposite is true – that the USA has complete and utter disregard for the rest of the world. Anything that results in an embargo in Cola sales in one part of the world is worth killing thousands for. American policy is to fight fire with fire, which to those outside the American bubble is clearly increasing world terrorism, and like the captain of the USS Vincennes we also have people like Paul Bremer, who made the decision to kick out thousands of Baathists from the US imposed regime in Iraq and disband the Iraqi army, leading to hundreds of thousands of angry men with no jobs but guns and a reason to use them. Was he fired? Was he reprimanded? No, of course not, he was given the “Presidential Medal of Freedom”, America’s highest civil award. Bremer claims that there wasn’t much of an army left to disband after a prior CIA orchestrated leaflet-dropping campaign (conducted apparently without Bremer’s knowledge) instructing soldiers to leave their posts and return to their homes and families and the fact that well, there’s a war on, so not everyone was turning up to work. Regardless of the true number made unemployed by Bremer, there does seem to be a point into the occupation when the violence escalated and it wouldn’t be a wild stab in the dark to pin it on this decision. This could have just been the kick in the teeth that some Iraqis were waiting for…and the violence, kidnappings and suicide bombings are still happening – when was the country “liberated” again?

Essentially the message that I can see is that in the minds of the average (I’ll assume Republican Party voting) American public only American lives are worthy. The frequent mention of 270 lives lost in the Lockerbie disaster may well have said 169; the number of American lives lost in the disaster, because that seems to be all they are concerned about, the rest really are just “unpeople” as Mark Curtis and John Pilger would term then.

The dead aren’t coming back and an eye for an eye does not peace make. Only this week the US are considering changing their policy in Afghanistan as it isn’t working and even if this is a deal over oil, have the Americans forgotten what the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are all about anyway? Oh right, the WMDs are there somewhere…or perhaps they’re now hiding in Libya? Perhaps they might end up in Bolivia and Venezuela as well?

I just wonder how all this anti-Scottish sentiment will affect the real people of Scotland, like Susan Boyle, will she struggle to sell her debut album in the States? Will Groundskeeper Willie be killed off in the next series of the Simpsons because of a badly cooked “suicide” haggis? Will the Proclaimers be booed off stage during their US tour next month?
Surely a South Park episode is in the making?

Anyway I’ve written enough on the matter so I’m now off to love a particular abstract noun with all my might.


Originally posted August 28 2009 on

Maplin cable complaint

Originally posted August 28 2008  on

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make a complaint. On Thursday 14th August I purchased the following:
1 Commtel (UK) Ltd – 6M Line Cord White BT to RJ11 at £5.99 to replace a shorter cable in my place of work.

It doesn’t say on the packaging whether it is intended for home or office use, but given that my home phone has a lead that can’t be detached and therefore doesn’t have an RJ11 type connector on one end, while our work phones can be detached and do have what looks like an RJ11 on one end I assumed that this would indeed be suitable for office use.

The packaging simply said:
6M Line Cord White BT to RJ11
Replace damaged telephone line
Increase the distance you can move your phone from the socket

I did approach one of your employees for confirmation but when I approached him he let out an audible grunt, which seemed to suggest that he wasn’t in the mood for full sentences so I went ahead and purchased it and got another grunt as I left.

When I returned to the office I opened the “blister pack” carefully and tried connecting the cable to the phone I realised that there is indeed a difference between home and office phones. The connector on the end of this cable has 4 pins while I required 6.

The following day I tried returning the cable. Sadly your assistant did not marvel at my careful cutting of the “blister pack” and instead told me that I couldn’t have an exchange or refund because it wasn’t in its original condition as the packaging had been opened. I explained to the assistant that I’d read the description of the item and it looked like the right thing. He looked at me as if I’d just crawled out the Clyde and evolved on my way down Dixon Street and asked why I hadn’t looked inside the clear plastic packaging…

This is the offending item:

Maplin cable
Maplin cable

As you can see it’s patently obvious that this is a 4 pin connector for home use and not a 6 pin for office use, bear in mind that the pins are located on the side against the cable and that the 4 pin connectors have indentations for 6 pins too but only 4 are gold, thus making it ever so tricky to discern whether one is faced with a 4 pin or 6 pin connector when squinting and re-adjusting the plastic casing against the light (in future I will bring a torch and magnifying glass with me when I shop in your store).

With this in mind, do you expect all of your customers to come into your shop read the scant description of the product they think they want but in order to realise exactly what it is they’re buying…have a peek inside and hope that they can pick out the tiniest of details? In that case you may as well have the words “Mc Chicken Sandwich”, “Nat King Cole’s greatest hits” or “Life-sized inflatable Xena Warrior princess” printed on your cables (incidentally all 3 are probably guaranteed to increase your sales).

In hindsight I should’ve told your employee that I had eyesight problems. I wonder what he’d have said then? “You bought the wrong thing? Did you look inside? Oh, you’re blind? Well did you try smelling it? Our 6 pin connectors give off a subtle aroma of patchouli while our 4 pins smell of ylang ylang”

Of course the issue wasn’t that I didn’t look, as I examined all the phone cables on offer, and picked this one as it looked the same as the one in the office, I just didn’t know that underneath the 6 ridges of the “Registered jack” were 4 gold pins instead of 6!
Yes, the customer should know what he is buying and if he buys the wrong thing, tough luck. If I went into your shop to buy a Home computer and came out with an aquarium then that would be extremely stupid, but in the case of telephone cables I don’t think it’s exactly common knowledge that there are 6 pin and 4 pin connectors, especially when (1) the packaging of said item does not inform you clearly of what’s inside (all that is required is the words “for home use” or “4 pins” etc) and (2) according to some of the sites I’ve looked at on the internet, an RJ11 has 2 active pins, while a RJ14 has 4 and an RJ25 has 6. The item I purchased has 4 gold pins, which would suggest to me 4 active pins, therefore an RJ14. Some of the websites I looked at even suggested that an RJ11 has 6 active pins, although I did find a site which said “The 6-pin jacks are frequently, and incorrectly, referred to as RJ11 connectors.” It’s not exactly clear cut and I should think that if you are selling these it should be made obvious what’s for sale.

I’ve bought a number of items from your stores over the years and I’ve realised that quite a few come in those awful “blister pack” boxes that require scissors or a knife to open and once they are open they’re open for good. I suspect this is a con and not an issue with yourselves, but why do you insist on stocking them? Do you have a preference for blister packed items?

Are they cheaper? I would doubt that as I have purchased more affordable cables from elsewhere that usually come in those plastic pouches stapled to cardboard (you sell audio connectors in this form of packaging).

Is it to prevent theft? Again I would doubt that and given that you sell such items as “Miniature Covert Night Vision CCTV Camera with Audio” I would have thought you would have your stores covered against any potential thefts.

This is 2008, we can send shuttles to Mars, clone sheep named Dolly and even men are giving birth these days, yet cables come in boxes where the packaging is destroyed in the opening process. I would be interested if you could divulge your reasons for using this form of packaging (I have included a copy to the cable manufacturer)

As a final note, on the day I purchased the cable, Feeder’s pop-rock-grunge-emo song for spotty teenager’s everywhere “Just A Day” was playing, when I returned the following day at the exact same time to try and return the cable the same utterly abysmal song was playing, it did leave me wondering whether your staff are forced to endure the same song over and over again ad infinitum, which might explain the regressive grunting, and with that I will end with a line from that song, which probably sums up how I feel about your returns policy regarding items place in archaic packaging.

I guess you think it’s funny now, funny now, it’s such a shame

Yours faithfully…

Originally posted August 28 2008  on