Category Archives: overheard

More overheard nonsense

2 middle-aged women at Glasgow Central train station the day of a Justin Bieber concert
Woman 1: “The train will be full of Justin Bieber fans”
Woman 2: “I know but just keep going”

In a posh restaurant in Glasgow
“What’s the singular of scampi? Scampo?”

In a pub in Perth
“The soup today is tomato and lemon soup…lemon in soup? I know, I’d never heard of it either…” (runs upstairs to kitchen)
“The chef isn’t here but I think it might be lentil after all!!

Couple looking at a menu outside a Japanese restaurant in Glasgow
woman (to her partner): “I wonder if the prawns are local?”

Child on train (to mother?): “tears (as in crying) are all the same in Glasgow. True or false?”

On bus going past brand new tram depot in Edinburgh
“That’ll be rusty by the time the trams come”

Couple in the street
“Aye she was nude but she’s not nude in the photo”

Girl on phone on train
“Aye Ryan basically raped that poor girl on Friday. He had this vodka y’know but he didn’t want to say about going back to his for a drink cos it was pure obvious so he said it was his flat mate’s vodka and that she wouldn’t mind but he couldn’t get her to leave the following morning, he had to txt me and I had to pretend that I was his gran to get him to leave”

A group of 3 people walking down a street in Leith
“I believe they were crabs yes”

On Glasgow to Edinburgh bus (on the M8 at this point)
“I don’t know this road very well…this is the road that guy chased us down…that was a long time ago…Davie had to drive away and put the brakes on and the guy eventually drove past us”

On a train at central station
Guy sits next to girl sitting opposite me and says “I don’t mean to be rude but…what’s the time?”
“2:30” she replied
“2:30 exactly? Not 2:35”
“No, it’s 2:30”
“2:30 and not 2:29?”
“yes it’s 2:30”
“Ok, thanks” and then he got up and walked into the next carriage

2 recent conversations

In a chippy and happen to notice “Angel fish supper” on sale for £1 more than regular fish. I enquire…

Me: “What’s that?”
woman #1: “Fish in breadcrumbs”
Me: “So it’s just a special fish?”
woman #1: “No, it’s hand cut”
Me: “Cut into pieces?”
woman #1: “No, it’s the same size as a regular fish”
Me: “So..?”
(woman #1 calls on woman #2)
woman #2: “What is it?”
woman #1: “Can you explain to HIM what angel fish is”
woman #2: “It’s haddock. We ONLY use haddock”
Me: “Haddock…right, but what’s so special about it?”
woman #2: “It’s hand cut”
Me: “Meaning?”
woman #2: “Meaning it tastes better than if cut by a machine”
Me: “Really?”
woman #2: “Yes”
Me: “So it’s the same size as a normal fish and it’s in breadcrumbs?”
woman #2: “Yes”
Naturally I ordered one…tasted like special fish. I think I’ve been had.

In Argos buying a LARGE piece of luggage, put my order in and out comes a LARGE box
Woman: “Do you want a box for it?”
Me: “Erm…it’s already in a box”
woman: “But do you want me to put it in a bigger box?”
Me: “Erm…why?”
Woman: “To make it easier to carry”
Me: “Erm…how will that make it easier?”
Woman: “Then you can HURL it along the ground”
Me: “Hurl?!? Er, no it’s ok”

Overheard in Glasgow…

Random things I’ve overheard over the past few months…

2 Germans walking in front of me on Sauchiehall St
All I understood from their conversation was “Justin Bieber, Schwein!”

At a close in the southside of Glasgow
girl (to boy): “I’m kind of seeing someone but c’mon, just come in for a minute”
and with that they disappeared into the next doorway

boy on a train into Glasgow
“I’m like a map and my 18th sense is direction”

woman at Merchant City Festival looking at the salami stall
“it jist disnae flick ma switch”

2 managers talking in work
“It’s brilliant actually…yes Swede AND turnip…”

Just along from the Central station taxi queue at 1am on a Saturday night
girl(?) to guy: “I’m the kinda burd that’s a guy right?”

Junkie with a dog talking to a woman
“It’s ok, she only bites who I set her on”

Annoying arse on train
Annoying Arse:”I wis daing the doctor’s job fur ‘im, I hud to tell ‘im whit was wrang wi’ me, ‘e hadnae a clue”
followed by
Annoying Arse: “Am the only person to count things aun facebook. As soon as’ ah got tae 1,000 ‘ah quit”
Listener: “1,000 friends?”
Annoying Arse: “Naw, 1,000 things, as ‘ah said ‘am the only person tae count things on Facebook”

At Ideal Homes Exhibition (at stall showing device for making breadcrumbs etc)
woman: “what would you want to eat breadcrumbs for?”

In a cafe in Govanhill
“In Romania you know when a storm is coming”…the coldest winter I ever had was in Romania…I could get used to the weather in Romania but here it’s the end of the world”

In a supermarket
wee boy “is there big meat?”
mother “there will be meat EVERYWHERE Adam”

Children on train
Canadian boy: “the car seat says we can sit on it”
Girl: “I’m going to sit on it”
Canadian boy: “sit on my backpack”
Girl: ” backpacks are for riding on people’s backs”
Canadian boy: “He (seat) says he wants to go on your lap. My backpack wants to go on my lap. backpack says he likes it on my lap”
Girl: “car seat says he likes it on my lap”

Canadian boy: “When I left Canada I was crying, I couldn’t even watch my favourite movie, my mum knew something was wrong and came upstairs and burst into tears”
Girl: “What’s your favourite movie?”
Canadian boy: “I forget now but it WAS my favourite movie”

Junky mum talking to junky pal
Thur wis a pure fuckin mad Polish photographer ‘an that, pure taking photies, they wur like £15 a pop, ‘ah went up an hud a look an he wis like ah’ll gie ye wan fur nuthin’ if ye promote me ‘an that, so ah did. Ye know that photie we’ve got ‘ah the wee man? That’s how we got it, ‘aff that pure mad Polish photographer.

On the street
I expected it on a ficking (sic) Saturday, not today (Monday)!

On train again
man 1: “What age do you think the Italian guy was?”
man 2: “In the Italian kitchen?”
man 1: “No, in the cookery book!”
man 2: “75?”
man 1: “Number (sic) 80”

From the upstairs of a double decker (NSFW)
Young annoying man (to girl):  “When I was with my ex-fiancée we had a great big kitchen so we were eating good so we tasted good, you know, I was eatin’ watermelon and shit”
…later on…
Young annoying man (to girl): “look at her out the window…she’s got a fine ass and she’s got DSLs”
Girl: “What’s DSLs?”
Young annoying man (to girl): “Dick Suckin’ Lips, you know what I mean? She looks like she’d stay down and come back for more…she looks like she’d leave a mess on your bed. Bet she’s into feeting”
Girl: “What’s feeting?”
Young annoying man (to girl): “You know, like fisting, but with feet. I bet she has fungus feet”
Girl: “Did you really used to be a pimp”
Regrettably at that point I had to get off the bus…

On another bus
“Fucksake this bus is so busy I can’t see out the window and these women are beasts”
After a few moments of silence: “I’ve seen loads of mad cunts about today”

And finally, one which was overheard in a street in Edinburgh:
“You’ll get a slap anywhere in Glasgow!”