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Time to travel 2021

I’m glad to see that Tristan de Cunha has been added to the safe/green list of places to visit from England.

To quote the official website, “There are no package tours for independent travellers, no hotels, no airport, no holiday reps, no night clubs no restaurants, no jet skis nor safe sea swimming. Visitors are limited due to lack of available shipping berths (only 12 on fishing vessels)…Trips to the most isolated community in the world need to be well planned. Many would-be visitors have sailed to Tristan, but failed to land.”

All visitors need to clear their arrivals in advance through the Island Council, and they also need to obtain a police certificate. (A 40-day wait is typical.)
There are around 10 sailings a year in a 60 day period from Cape Town, South Africa*, and Namibia*, each taking 5 to 6 days to reach the islands; it costs $800-$1,500 for a round trip.

*Neither of which are on the green list.

Let’s not also forget the Falklands, South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands, St Helena and Ascension Island, which are almost as hard to get to plus Australia and New Zealand on the other side of the planet, who are currently not allowing us to enter either country. Go Team UK!

The list of countries as listed on the BBC website is as follows:

Strange trip to the Chippy tonight…

Local weirdo guy who dresses like a member of the Taliban was in front of me in the take-away queue (but it became apparent that was he was actually in for a sit-in meal in the table-service area) asking for a cup of tea with his food, the exchange went something like this:
Mister Taliban: Can I have a tea…do you have semi-skimmed milk?
Chippy woman: No only full fat.
Mister Taliban: I can’t drink full fat milk…can you put 4 sugars in it then? It makes me sick if I don’t have 4 sugars.
Chippy woman: 4 sugars!!
Mister Taliban: Yes I’ve got a heart condition and if I don’t get 4 sugars I’ll be <mimics being sick>. We don’t want that.
Chippy woman: OK, sit down!

The guy sits down but 2 minutes later he’s up again and holds up an empty tupperware tub and asks “Can you put ice cream in this? It’s ok, it’s not contaminated it was ice-cream that was in it in a previous shop”. Luckily the phone rang so Chippy woman dealt with that instead.

But then some other nutter came in…

Nutter woman: How much is a hamburger supper for children?
Chippy woman: A small supper is £3.10.
Nutter woman: Then why does it say 1.60 next to it?
Chippy woman: That’s for a single hamburger without chips.
Nutter woman: Ok, can I have a single 1.60 hamburger with chips.
Chippy woman: So you want a supper?
Nutter woman: No, just the £1.60 supper.
Chippy woman: £1.60 is just for the hamburger ALONE. You need to pay £3.10 if you want chips as well.
Nutter woman: Ok, just make it…<deliberates>…two hamburger suppers.
Chippy woman: (shouts through to guy in back kitchen) 2 small hamburger suppers!

A minute or so passes and nutter woman shouts something into the kitchen about the hamburgers then comes back to Chippy woman and asks for 2 sausage suppers instead.